Now seems like a good time to mention that I’m also radiantanor on ao3 and pillowfort (although I haven’t been active on the latter yet).

I’m not really worried about my own blog, nude drawings are allowed as long as they don’t show sexual acts and that’s usually the extent of nsfw I post/reblog. I’ve already seen some pictures flagged as nsfw that very clearly weren’t, but it sounds like it’s possible to get your posts/blog back. That said, I agree it’s a facepalm-inducing idea, not likely to be effective, and obviously it wouldn’t be fun here without the people who are going to have problems.





weirdly common bad takes on LOTR include, ‘Sam Gamgee is nice but not very smart’

Sam: *has a patchy formal education due to his social background but demonstrates a strong drive to learn & is highly literate as evidenced by his ability to write and at times improvise poetry; has a somewhat black-and-white, sheltered moral stance but demonstrates very high social & emotional intelligence as evidenced by his being the ONLY one of the fellowship able to puzzle out what’s troubling Frodo at Amon Hen; later in life was very successful as mayor of the Shire; in short doesn’t have the same standard of education as the rest of the fellowship but is generally depicted as an intellectual equal*

A bunch of LOTR fans for some reason: Sam… Not The Brightest Spoon In the Drawer haha… a bit thick…… not smart.

this is also pretty telling given that sam is the only member of the fellowship (or prominent main character at all really) who’s not of noble birth or lineage

he’s the only average working/peasant-class main character & the fandom really treats him like as a “lovable & brave but stubborn” idiot

{it’s the classism} meanwhile aragorn hella respects sam from the getgo & later he writes that sam should be called “full-wise” rather than “samwise”

„Catch me if you can!“


“Catch me if you can!”


Éowyn and Faramir. Watercolour on Legion Stonehenge cold pressed paper, 21×31 cm.

By coincidence, I found that I owned an American cent, and realised that it was way larger than the Euro cents I’m used to – here they are side by side.


Doing any sort of small detail is still incredibly hard for me, and I pay for it with headaches and having to paint in little half-hour instalments over several…

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