
here’s a thought: luke probably heard more stories growing up about shmi skywalker than he did about anakin. luke’s father was dead, he wasn’t to be talked about. he was a brave man, but he’s gone now, and luke was probably told not to go prying into his father’s past because there was only pain there.

but shmi, radiant shmi would’ve been a household name. there was probably a holo of her sitting on their mantlepiece. owen would probably comfort luke using the same things his step-mom would say to him when he was in need. her sturdy, kind presence probably seeped into the very foundations of the lars household.

imagine owen teaching luke to cook, and offhandedly mentioning “oh, your grandma spent years perfecting this recipe!” imagine beru lulling luke to sleep, telling him about how his grandma had made peace with the desert; how she would walk barefoot on the warm sand late at night, singing quietly to the stars in the hope that her son would hear her a galaxy away and know she was thinking of him. don’t cry, luke. that howling wind in the courtyard is just her spirit scaring off trouble so it won’t come knocking. she’ll always protect you.

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